306 Konjuring

BANISH (Remove whoever-whatever)


Banish Candle is a potent candle spelled to remove and obliterate negativity and adversaries in various aspects of life. It clears stagnant energy, breaks bad habits, and terminates unhealthy situations, whether they involve people or other negative influences. If you want something gone, Banish will ensure it is removed from your life.


Dispels Evil Spirits: Removes malevolent entities from your space.

Eliminates Unwanted People: Clears out individuals who are not serving your highest good.

Ends Unhealthy Situations: Terminates circumstances that no longer benefit your highest good.

What's Included:

A ready-to-use, powerfully spelled candle that can be snuffed and reused
Comprehensive instructions are provided in our Candle section for optimal results. While writing a petition to place under the candle is optional, chanting and speaking over the candle are strongly recommended to achieve profound spiritual alchemy.

Each candle is handcrafted to order. The visual details may differ slightly from the product images, each candle maintains the same high level of intent and effectiveness.
