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306 Konjuring

Styrax resin


Black Styrax resin incense is used to invite calming and relaxing energy into your Sacred Space. It will keep your sacred space clear of negativity and aura strong. The aroma will soothe your thoughts, help quiet the mind, cleanse & purify the mind, while offering a comfortable energy to embark on your channels for spirit communication.

Great for:

• Creating an environment of calm and relaxation a
• Helping you sleep and relax
• Protects against negative energies
• Brings forth sensual and loving feelings
• Purifies and cleans the air

How to use: You can burn resin in either a charcoal burner or an oil burner. With charcoal, it is best to put a thin layer of sand in the container before putting the resin on top. You can light the charcoal disc or directly with the resin (do not touch the charcoal after this step, use tongs).

Allow the resin to fill your space with it's lovely aroma! Visualize or say your intentions aloud to amplify the effects.