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306 Konjuring

Release (Healing |Blessings |Serenity)


Release was created to draw out emotional trauma and release what happened so we can allow ourselves to heal. We often hold onto trauma and pain without noticing. Release spell candle assists with helping you experience self-acceptance and appreciation of your true self. The more you truly value yourself, the choices you make ultimately become healthier and far more rewarding.

Allow Release to stimulate your confidence and self-worth so you can be your own support and your own way out! You got this!

Great for:
Courage | Guidance |Mental Health
Healing from trauma (current/past relationships)
Help break toxic ties.
Helps with self-acceptance.
Releasing depression and low self esteem

I am choosing to focus on mental wellness.
My diagnosis was the starting point to build a better life.
As I nourish my mind with happy, healthy thoughts, I ward off stress and anxiety.
I release all emotional blockages that are preventing me from enjoying peace of mind.

Chant - I send love, light, and healing energy to [NAME]. Heal and protect [NAME] at the speed of light. **chanting is optional as the candle already comes SPELLED

Light your candle during prayer, meditation or rituals & spells aimed at healing.

Highly suggest burning on a Saturday-the day of Saturn for releasing. Releasing and healing can take time. Don't expect to get through all of it in one session, you will have to continue to work at it. This step is incredibly personal and subjective to the type of injury.

As each candle is hand-crafted and infused on the appropriate days to enhance their properties, please allow 6-7 working days to create your order.