306 Konjuring

REVEAL (Reveal Enemies | The eliminator of Truth)


Reveal holds the power to unveil the deepest secrets and shatter the veils of deception. Infused with the essence of arcane mysteries, it serves as a beacon for those seeking the hidden truths lurking in the shadows.

Good For:

• Unmasking Lies: Reveal the true nature of those who dare deceive you

• Exposing Infidelity: Discover if someone has strayed from their vows.

• Revealing Hidden Emotions: Uncover the concealed feelings others harbor about you or those close to you.

• Identifying Thieves: Shine a light on dishonesty and expose the hands of thieves.

• Recovering Lost Items: If something precious is missing, this candle will guide you to the truth—whether it was stolen or simply misplaced.

• Clarifying Situations: Delve into the heart of any matter and reveal the truth that lies beneath the surface.

Visit our Candle section for step-by-step instructions to achieve the best results. You can also write a petition to place under the candle; however, chanting and speaking over the candle are recommended for profound spiritual alchemy.

Each candle is handcrafted to order. The visual details may differ slightly from the product images, each candle maintains the same high level of intent and effectiveness.
