306 Konjuring

REVERSE 13 (Return Evil | Envy |Malice)


Reverse 13 is spelled to return all harm to the sender (x 13) by reversing curses, deflecting negative energies, sending them back to their source. This Reversal will cover you with the shield of defense, guaranteeing that unfavorable energies return to their source. As the candle burns it first dispel negative energies, then proceeds to attraction and welcoming love into your space. Reverse is a candle you want to have in your collection. You never know when you may need it.

Signs You Might Need This Candle:

Unexplained Fatigue: Sudden, persistent lack of energy and enthusiasm for activities you normally enjoy, not linked to physical health or lifestyle changes.

Sleep Issues: Nightmares, restless sleep, or insomnia, particularly following negative experiences or interactions.

Mental Cloudiness: Difficulty focusing, remembering details, or making decisions, with a persistent feeling of mental fog.

Emotional Drain: Unusual feelings of exhaustion, sadness, or moodiness after specific encounters or visits to certain places.

What's Included:

A ready-to-use, powerfully spelled candle that can be snuffed and reused
Comprehensive instructions are provided in our Candle section for optimal results. While writing a petition to place under the candle is optional, chanting and speaking over the candle are strongly recommended to achieve profound spiritual alchemy.

Each candle is handcrafted to order. The visual details may differ slightly from the product images, each candle maintains the same high level of intent and effectiveness.
