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306 Konjuring

Pussy Power (Sexual Pleasure | Extreme Attraction)

$19.95 - $29.95

Pussy Power body oil is Spelled to keep a mate from wandering or straying - keeping their eyes and thoughts focused solely on you! In addition to boosting the sex drive, increase passion, and encourage arousal with aphrodisiacs. If you are wanting to draw in a wealthy man or attract wealthy clients, then this oil is for you as you will have favorable position in both business and love matters.

***Use at your own risk if you already have someone, as it could easily create an uncomfortable situation by attracting others***

How to use: Apply to pulse points.

Great for:
Attracting high paying male customers or a mate with a deep wallet
Loosen up a stingy husband.
Decrease tension within a relationship/partnership.
Making your partner/competitor or love interest do as you say.

A little goes a long way as the oil is extremely POTENT!

skin test is recommended prior to wearing. Sold as a Curio. For External Use Only.