306 Konjuring

DEFENSE (Block curses | Baneful magick | Protection)


When it comes to protection, it's crucial to have the right tools on hand for safeguarding yourself, your loved ones, and your belongings. Defense Spelled Rice offers an unparalleled level of defense for your home, business, reputation, and partnerships. By incorporating rice into your spell work, you can significantly boost the potency and effectiveness, creating successful outcomes.

Specifically Spelled to shift energies with effectiveness, setting it apart from traditional Hoodoo rice! Each jar contains Black tourmaline (repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attacks).

How to use:

- Use in rituals aimed at shielding, defense, protection against all evil.
- Sprinkle around the base of a candle during spell work.
- Add some to mojos and bottle spells to ward off negative energies.
- Sprinkle on your protection altar or use as an offering to honor your spirit guides.
- Sprinkle in front of your business door, under your business mat for protection.
- THROW some in the corners of your home or by your front door to keep evil away.

Comes in a 2oz plastic jar, spelled and ready for use. This is a tool I suggest you include in your rituals for more potency. You will not be disappointed! Keep out of reach of children & pets. Do NOT ingest.
