306 Konjuring

RECOVERY (Healing | Release | Cut-ties)


Recovery is your key to profound self-love and emotional healing. Spelled to release anything that’s holding you back, it works to heal deep wounds, dissolve emotional blockages, and cut ties with negative attachments—even those you didn’t realize were draining you. As you incorporate Recovery into your rituals and practices, be prepared to let go of people, habits, and patterns that no longer serve your highest good. Embrace a new level of freedom and self-love as you heal from the inside out.

Specifically Spelled to shift energies with effectiveness, setting it apart from traditional Hoodoo rice!

How to use:

- Use in rituals aimed at healing

- Sprinkle around the base of a candle during spell work.

- Add some to charm bags, mojos and bottle spells.

- Use as an offering to honor your spirit guides.

Comes in a 2 oz plastic jar, spelled and ready for use. This is a tool I suggest you include in your rituals for more potency. You will not be disappointed! Keep out of reach of children & pets. Do NOT ingest.
