306 Konjuring

3rd Pentacle of Venus (Attract love, respect & admiration)


3rd Pentacle of Venus is needed for those who desire to attract love and friendship, or to increase the love that you have. This energy is associated with love, beauty, harmony, and creativity, making it a valuable tool for enhancing one’s spiritual growth and personal development. Add to rituals aimed at manifesting desires related to love, relationships, and self-confidence. Venus symbolizes love, sociability, travels, kindness and pleasure.

When and why to work with Venus's energy:

- Love and beauty spells or to enhance creativity.
- Attracting new love.
- Fertility spells or fertility rituals to enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
- Chanting a prayer for Venus to let its energy surround you.
- Friendship and admiration spells.
- Rebalancing your heart chakra during meditation.
- Heal any emotional wounds from the past.

Candle Includes:
• Ready to use seal candle
• Verse to activate the seal
• Frankincense resin
• Charcoal tablets
• Step-by-step instructions.
• Seal of God

It is best to work with Venus's energy on a Friday within the hours of Venus.
