306 Konjuring

First Pentacle of Saturn (Bends People to Owner's Wishes)


1st pentacle of Saturn possesses purported abilities to compel spirits to submit, obey, and kneel before the conjurer, and to influence others to yield to one's will.

Why you need it:
-Attract all the powers of the planet, including protection, justice, knowledge, to bind an enemy, to manifest thought, favor in real estate contracts and banking deals, and to neutralize harmful intent.
- Favor in making one commit or do as you say.
- Use in headwork spells to implement thoughts.
- Compel people OR compel spirits to do your will.

Candle Includes:
• Ready to use seal candle
• Verse to activate the seal
• Frankincense resin
• Charcoal tablets
• Step-by-step instructions.
• Seal of God

It is best to work with Saturn energy on a Saturday.
