306 Konjuring

Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter (Wealth | Honor)


The Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter serves to acquire riches and honor, and to possess much wealth. The energy brings the owner the abundance of all creation, as it constantly surrounds us. Through it, you will witness how the cosmic order enriches our power to fulfill any desire and need we wish for ourselves. Jupiter symbolizes abundance, respect, friendship and good health, and helps fulfill one’s deepest desires.

A few benefits:
Attracting financial gain
Job promotion
Business progress and success
Receiving unexpected money and fast!

Candle Includes:
• Ready to use seal candle
• Verse to activate the seal
• Frankincense resin
• Charcoal tablets
•Step-by-step instructions.
• Seal of God

It is best to work with Jupiter energy on a Thursday within the hour of Jupiter.
