306 Konjuring

Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter (Grants Spiritual and Psychic Vision)


The 5th Pentacle of Jupiter is said to serve for "assured visions". It holds a great power as it serves to connect the personal goals and aspirations with the way of the Universe. This energy helps align your world view with the powers outside your reach, and help you to see the right way, to make the right decision. A must have tool for psychic readers and mediums.

The Hebrew letters within the Pentacle are taken from five last five-letter words of the verse that surrounds it, they are then recombined so as to form certain Mystical Names. The verse is from Ezekiel I: "...the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of Elohim".

Receive messages from spirits in your dreams.
Gain confidence and certainty in one’s vision.
Enhance metaphysical abilities.

Candle Includes:
• Ready to use seal candle
• Verse to activate the seal
• Frankincense resin
• Charcoal tablets
•Step-by-step instructions.
•Seal of God

It is best to use on a Thursday within the hour of Jupiter.
